Openings in the lower body

In the meantime, much more information on the H015 sentry droid has been released. H015 was shown on stage at the Star Wars Celebration Europe 2016 and seen at 3:35 in this youtube video. Further images are now posted in the H015 forum at These pictures and the video reveal a few additional details which were not visible in the very first circulating images on which this build is based.However, at this point we planned to deviate from the original anyway. In the TFA movie H015 plays only  a very minor role, which does not require a lot of features. The only things H015 can do is to move and to show its blue light in the neck. We really want to add a few additional features which we will discuss in the next posts.

Today’s post is  about the openings in the lower body. The original H015 has a few openings on the left and the right sides. It seems that the early pictures showed the left side of the droid, and this is the pattern that we use on both sides. In addition, we add a smaller opening in the center of the front side. These openings will hold a power switch, a USB connector (for programming the Arduino), three ultrasonic distance sensors HC-SR04 (for avoiding obstacles), a microphone capsule (for responding to sound), and a volume knob on a PAM8403 2x3Watt amp.


These structures are then glued into the body as seen here:


The elements will be mounted later, after painting.